5 Facts Why Your Business Needs Revolve LED Canopy Lights

5 Facts Why Your Business Needs Revolve LED Canopy Lights

Suppose you run a business like a gas station, convenience store, or manage loading docks, damp locations, storage areas, etc., that operates 24/7 and requires area illumination. In that case, you must visit revolveled.com for the best-LED canopy lighting solutions for your business.

LED canopy lights from RevolveLED are unbelievably long-lasting and 100% reliable because of their assured lifetime hours. Their LED canopy lights come in various LED temperatures, sizes, colors, designs, and watts.

If you have ever wondered whether LED canopy lights can benefit your business, here are some solid facts to get them.

1. Bright LED light

Revolve LED canopy lights provide a powerful bright light that is ultra-efficient. The lights have more than 120 lumens per watt, and as a result of this, you get a super beaming light while at the same time saving up to 80% on energy costs.

Apart from providing your employees and customers with dazzling bright lights, these LED canopy lights will significantly reduce energy consumption in your business. They also make your business more visible and attractive to customers.

2. They Make Your Customers Feel Safe

Bright lights have a powerful physiological effect on people because deep shadows, darkness, and dimness is always associated with danger. Customers will avoid businesses that are not well lit but feel much safer around businesses with bright lights and great visibility.

An LED canopy light has a high number of lumens and LED color temperature that provides a broad beam of light to your business. Some RevolveLED canopy lights offer a dimmable feature in which you can adjust the intensity of your light whenever you want.

3. Color Temperature

You can choose from two different LED colors when purchasing canopy lights. The first color option is the Cool White LED color, perfect for when you are looking for a fascinating lighting design. The second color option is the Daylight White LED color, perfect for a natural bright white lighting design.

At RevolveLED, the customer service team will always advise you on the best color temperature according to the mood you want to create in your business.

4. Comes in Different Shapes and Styles

LED canopy lights come in square, round shapes but have a wide variety of designs to choose from that fit your preferences and are constructed from high-quality, durable materials.

Another great thing about the designs is that they also have different mounting options that will work with any ceiling.

5. Security

LED canopy lights offer a super bright light that deters persons and intruders with bad intent from attempting to commit a crime on or around your business. The lights also help employees and customers to spot them from inside the store or when approaching.

In a well-lit area, it's very easy for cameras to capture the faces of troublemakers, making them avoid such places. The lights send a solid message to wrongdoers that the area is well protected.


LED canopy lights are essential in business growth as they will generate more customers because of their security, modernity, and luxurious ambiance. At RevolveLED, you will find LED canopy lights at unbeatable prices and up to 5 years of warranty.